Tuesday, April 8, 2014


This game is one of a kind it is based off of  Pac Man and has an elephant as the main character.
while your are navigating your way through the course you will have poachers chasing after you and make sure not to let them get you. 


  1. Julianna
    Good job!
    I learned that habitat loss is a problem.
    The got harder.
    To improve this game you could make the elephant move faster.

  2. I learned that habitat loss is a huge problem for elephants.
    The difficulty was not too different between levels.
    The elephant is waaaaaaay too slow.

    -Connor R.

  3. good job
    you should add more info

  4. Sulin
    1.i knew habitat loss was a problem for them
    2. it was difficult
    3. fix some glitches with the people

  5. i learned the each elephant has five toes really needed to know that
    it increased difficulty and last but not least you should make the bananas move faster

  6. The sprites were good and the difficulty did go up per level and the facts were there. However there is no background and when you collide with people you get stuck and constantly increase in health.


  7. I learned that habitat loss is really bad for elephants
    it increased difficulty well, but wasnt that hard
    i would add more info and make the elephant move faster
    Good job!!!

  8. Jackson Rideout
    1. C
    2. C-3. add more information and make your elephant faster.

  9. C in gameplay
    add it so the enemies bounce off the elephant
    nice facts for the research
    ~Ethan H

  10. Katie
    what is the info here? you havent really made the info clear. F.
    how do you move? You die instantly! F.
    i would probably add some instructions!

  11. Angel
    relevance B
    Game play C
    Make the game more exciting

  12. sam
    goood fix it make it fun! cx

  13. Jewel Newman
    I didn't see facts. "B"
    The game is really glitchy. "C"
    The enemies are glitchy and if you touch an enemy you get stuck and you die. Maybe slow the enemies down?

  14. Cassie
    Research:C the information is there, but unless you can survive long enough to run into it, you don't learn anything. Also the game is not relevant to the research.
    Fun:B its pretty hard to get past the enemies
    To improve it you could make it so that the ninja creatures cant trap you between the walls and run your health down until you die.

  15. Alex
    C has an elephant
    A its addictive
    enemys sort of grab you

  16. Maddie
    Research grade- C - I was curious how the ninjas and skeletons were related to your project
    Fun grade - C - I was unable to get past even the first level and i got stuck sometimes between the walls
    I would try to make the first level a bit easier

  17. Rick
    C I can see what the game is telling me about but it took me a while to figure it out.
    C There wasn't a way for me to defend my self against the enemies and it was difficult to get out of the first level.
    An improvement would be that the elephant should be able to defend its self against the enemies.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Paige
    C, it has an elephant and pears, but nothing else relates to your game
    B, its a tad glitchy
    Add game info and info on animal

  20. Amanda
    Research: A-It's elephants, that's your project
    Game play: C+- you get stuck, so yeah..
    make it so you do not get stuck

  21. Logan
    Reseach: A
    Game play: c i got stuck
    work on the glitches

  22. research: A
    fun: C
    i got stuck three times fix the glitches
