Thursday, April 24, 2014

Stream Survival Maddie

Stream Survival!
In this game you will use the arrow keys to move your fish and try to get the fish food before you die from the harmful debris or larger fish. Also to move to the next level push N and to move to previous room press the P key. Lastly, to restart the level push R. Have fun.
PS i know the sprites are AWESOME haha don't judge.


  1. Jewel Newman
    I learned bigger fish and debris can harm fish in streams, especially if they think debris is food!
    The levels were sort of easy, but it did get harder.
    Maybe make the levels harder and the sprites a little more detailed?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. nice sprites
    but good job w/ the facts about debris
    make more levels and improve the sprites
    ~Ethan H

  4. Cassie-
    I learned that sometimes fish mistake debris for food
    The change in levels was appropriate for the game, but at the level with the big fish, the fish food didn't make you go ho the next level.
    More levels would improve this game.

  5. I learned that debris in streams are bad for fish
    the change in levels is good for the game but you might need more
    the sprite could be something other than the word "fish"

  6. the game is cool
    i like the word fish as the character

  7. i learned that fish are in danger of being eaten and being killed by debris and chemicals in the water.
    i found that the levels advanced each time i beat one.
    one thing to improve this game is to detail the game more and have more levels.

  8. I learned that debris and trash can be a big problem for marine life.
    The levels advanced at an okay rate.
    I would spend some time adding more detail to the sprite.

    -Connor R.

  9. Heyyo maddie :)
    I learned that debris in a stream can be deadly if mistaken for food. The levels were great and increased at a good rate. At one level (the first one with the big fish) i survived and got to the fish food but it didn't go up a level. Also the game doesn't end when the scoreboard goes up. I loved your game!!

  10. cool game.
    super easy levels.
    i learned nothing

  11. Angel
    relevance to research group B
    game play C
    make it a bit more of a challenge

  12. Sulin
    Make the fish stop when you move it so it doesn't keep going :)

  13. Mikayla
    game toward research project:B
    Game play:C
    I think you can make it more difficult and challenging cause it's really easy to get to the next level.

  14. The game was geared toward the research project very well however the sprites were quite bad and the game was very boring for the most part. The levels did get harder and there were enough. Also it seems the level when there are two big fish is broken or there is no level after it. I would suggest making the sprites better.

    -Keller Dungan

  15. ian
    1 b
    2 b
    3 make it harder haha harder

  16. I forgot to add a grade to my comment so here is what I give it:

    C for gameplay
    A for how its geared toward research.

    -Keller Dungan

  17. Zoe
    b the facts you gave were good, but maybe you could add some more?
    a the game was really cute and really fun
    more faaaaaaacts

  18. Paige
    B, more facts
    A, it was a really great concept
    Add game info and on the level where the big fish are introduced it glitches

  19. Jackson Rideout
    1. B- the games concept is not explained well.
    2. F..... the game does not involve the experience of fun, only confusion.
    3. Make the game more understandable.

  20. Tanner
    B for research. it was good. except you can eat the big fish.
    C not really fun. Lv where to fast.
    make them a bit longer.

  21. Julianna-
    Research Grade: B
    Game: A, i think its fun
    I think maybe you could add more health's?

  22. Chloe
    Research- A, I think that it helps show the struggles of a fish in the wild
    Game Play- B, it was fun but also kind of boring...
    Maybe more realistic sprites?

  23. Logan
    Research: A
    Game play: C
    Were the sprites custom Made?

  24. research: A
    fun: D
    not bad but not very fun but the facts are good
